Trisha Ruby, P.E.

mechanical engineer

(775) 849-3330 x102

Trisha has over 30 years of experience in design, testing and research. Trisha brings a broad base of industry experience to the Synergy Technology team including medical devices, energy applications, aerospace and biomechanics. Her organizational skills make her the ideal project engineer for coordinating our multi-disciplinary team of engineers and out-side resources while ensuring design control and documentation procedures are adhered to. She has also been a key resource in assisting clients to navigate their regulatory compliance requirements. Trisha has both bachelors and masters degrees in mechanical engineering.


Mechanical engineering
Solid modeling
Product testing
Project management
Design control and documentation
Regulatory compliance


Burch, J.D., Thornton, J.W., Liu, W, Davidson, J.H., and Ruby, T. Model Calibration from Short-Term Test Data for Unpressurized Integral-Collector-Storage Systems, Proceedings of ISEC 2003, International Solar Energy Conference, March 2003.

Hull, M.L. and Ruby, P. Towards a Technology for Preventing Overuse Knee Injuries in Cycling, in High-Tech Cycling, ed. Burke, E.R., Human Kinetics Books, Champaign, IL., 1995.

Ruby, P. and Hull, M.L. Response of Intersegmental Knee Loads to Foot/Pedal Platform Degrees of Freedom in Cycling, Journal of Biomechanics, November 1993.

Ruby, P. Hull, M.L., Kirby, K.A., and Jenkins, D.W. The Effect of Lower Limb Anatomy on Knee Loads During Seated Cycling, Journal of Biomechanics, October 1992.

Ruby, P., Hull, M.L., and Hawkins, D. Three Dimensional Knee Joint Loading During Seated Cycling, Journal of Biomechanics, January 1992.

Ruby, T., Framel C. and McLean, K. Nevada Alternative Energy Resources Business Directory 3rd Edition, State of Nevada, Office of Community Services, Carson City, NV, 1984.