Innovative pet fountain
This fountain was designed to get cats to drink more fluids, be healthier and reduce the tendency for kidney problems that are related to dehydration. Synergy designed and supported the manufacturing implementation of this product and its components, refill and pumping system.

About the client
- Founded by a local veterinarian with an idea that created a new pet product category
- Initially engaged Synergy to consult on first generation product
- Engaged Synergy to provide engineering support for follow-on product generations
- After 13 years of business and two ownership changes, continues to use Synergy as needed to provide new product designs and engineering support
Synergy expertise utilized
- Product design
- Mechanical design
- Solid modeling
Although Synergy was consulted on the development of the very first generation of the pet fountain, we really began working with the client on the second generation of the product, addressing a list of improvements and new features for a product with more appeal in the mass consumer market. Pictured product is a third generation that was for a private label customer exclusive for a proscribed time prior to joining the client’s brand.
Synergy has worked with this client for over 13 years, providing new product designs and engineering support for the product line on an as needed basis.